Saturday, September 10, 2005

Halloween on a Friday

Do you think if I write enough letters to the movie studios I can get them to start putting that, "cut off your cell phone" message at the beginning of their DVD's? It's so annoying to be watching a movie with a bunch of people and have one of them get up every five minutes to answer his or her cell phone. I guess I do it too sometimes, but I don't get calls nearly as often as some of the people I watch movies with. I'm glad you're so popular and all, but it's a little hard to get into a serious movie with your "Buddy Holly" ringtone playing during every third scene.

And let's not even talk about the campus theater. It's not so bad if you go see a small, indie film there, but if you go to see anything big budget, the place is packed and incredibly noisy. Some people just have no respect for others at all. I mean, I'll whisper to my friends every now and then during a movie, but these people have full-volume conversations about things completely unrelated to the movie. I'd have to say my worst two campus theater experiences were Haloween: H20 and Friday. After Halloween, I decided not to watch a horror movie there ever again. There was this one girl that kept screaming every time anything happened. And I mean anything. You know how some horror movies have a lot of false climaxes, points where they try to make you jump but it's not really the killer yet? Well, H20 has about a million of those. And after a few minutes it's pretty obvious what they're doing and nobody jumps anymore. Only this one girl decided for whatever reason to scream at the top of her lungs every time one of them came up. So instead of being able to enjoy the movie I have to listen to some girl screaming constantly followed to everybody laughing. Good times.

was bad to begin with because it was a DVD. I don't know what it's like to watch a DVD there at this point, but back then they were new at it and they could never get the sound right. So the movie was a little hard to hear for starters. Friday had been out for many years at this point, but I'd never seen it. I figured the campus theater would be a good place to check it out for free. What I didn't realize is that everybody else in the world had apparently seen it four hundred times. And when people have seen a movie a bunch of times, apparently they feel the need to quote the lines along with the actors. So pretty much every line Ice Cube, Chris Tucker, and the rest of the cast spoke was unintelligable to me due to the thirty people trying to say it along with them with varying degrees of success. Needless to say, I didn't really enjoy the movie all that much. I guess there's always Next Friday.

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