Monday, June 19, 2006

there goes the sun

For those of you that don't know, I work part time at Toys [backwards]R Us. It doesn't pay hardly anything and it gets insane around Christmas and boring the rest of the year, but it's not a horrible job to have, all things considered.

When I first started working there, I immediately hated the music. It was Christmas time, so, of course all the songs were Christmas songs. I hate most Christmas songs anyway and the fact that all of them were Disneyfied didn't help. There was even (horror of horrors) a Macarena Christmas mix. I wanted to shoot myself.

Things got better after Christmas ended though. The songs were still mostly really bad, but they would rotate every day, so it was bearable. Then, after I'd been there a while, the satellite music system we used broke somehow. The first day, there was weird static coming through the speakers periodically and we couldn't use the intercom at all. Then, it stopped working completely and we went without music for a while. It was peaceful and I have to say I enjoyed it.

Unfortunately, we all knew it couldn't last. The music would return. Instead of getting the satellite system fixed, the managers simply switched back to the old system, a tape player that only plays special tapes we get from corporate. So now, instead of the music rotating and being different every day, the same songs play day after day until we get a new tape. The tapes are longer than normal tapes, but short enough that you can hear the same songs at least five or six times, if not more, in an average shift. It doesn't take long to get sick of songs when you hear them that often and it doesn't help when they're stuff like the "Tail Spin" theme or a Kids Bop version of a Hillary Duff song.

I provided all this back story just to say that we got a new tape yesterday. Along with the usual annoying crap (much of it repeats from earlier tapes that I already loathe), there's a couple of decent songs on there. Only I never know how to feel about good songs being on the tapes. On the one hand, it's better than the tape being full of all kids songs, but, on the other hand, I know I'm going to wind up hating songs that I previously enjoyed. I've already gotten sick of such classics as Modern English's "I Melt With You," The Monkees' "Last Train to Clarksville," and Lisa Loeb's, "I Do." Now, "Here Comes the Sun," which is an excellent Beatles song is doomed to follow the same path. After a two or three months of hearing it fifteen to twenty times per week, I'll never be able to hear it again without thinking of Bratz Dolls and The Nintendo DS. Sad.

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