Sunday, July 09, 2006

a man for all seasons

I was reading someone else's blog earlier today and she was talking about David. You know...the guy from the Old Testament. She was talking about how David is always referred to as "a man after God's own heart" and how, as Christians, we all can and should be Davids. I agree of course.What I've always loved about David, though, is how human he seems. Maybe it's because we're told more about him, but he seems to come to life more and seem more human than most of the other figures in the Bible. I've always loved in general how, when we're told about the lives of the great men in the Old Testament, there's almost always a story of sin included too. David had his soldier killed so he could steal the man's wife, Moses doubted God and struck the rock, Abraham lied and said his wife was his sister, and Noah got drunk and acted like an idiot. While we see them doing great, amazing things for God, we also see them being human and screwing up. That's always meant a lot to me. Some days I don't feel like dancing in the street or fighting giants. Some days I don't feel like I'll ever be a strong leader or a good father. Some days I don't have the courage to follow God when no one else is. But I lust and I sell out my friends. I doubt God. I lie. I act like an idiot. So if I'm just like David and Noah on their worst days, then I can be just like David and Noah on their best days. Because it has nothing to do with me. It's God in me. Just like it was God in them.


Jamie said...

Hi sam!

I've seen your comments on Jamie Orrs blog and enjoyed your insight there and I have here as well. Thats why I was so touched by this messege that my pastor gave, because your absolutely right, David, the man after Gods own heart, blew it big time. Killed a man, took his wife and then because of the sin his child died. How human is that?! These men we such leaders, such great spirits BECAUSE they screwed up and learned the hard way, and came out wiser on the other side. Everyday is a challenge, every moment is a chance and decsions are important, we all are going to make mistakes and bite it big sometimes, but the desire to love Christ and seek Him and only Him is what sweentens our spirit and touches others. No one wants to hear a perfect testimony, no one is perfect, someone once said 'We, as people are defined by our mistakes' I agree in part, but whats left out of that is 'We are defined by the what we learn from our mistakes'. No one can be whole hearted every second, doubt and fear are always at war with peace and happiness in our minds and spirits. What counts is that at the end of the day you can fall to your knees and worship Christ and say, Its You Lord of all that I desire, its You that I love!

Orr & Associates said...
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Sam said...

Jamie #2 said "seeking their sins." He thinks we should try to send more. What a heathen.

Orr & Associates said...

OK, I fixed the typo.. here is the corrected comment-

I think God shows Himself to be that much more powerful and glorious when He is able to use sinful, broken people like David, Noah and me. If we had no indication that these guys ever screwed up, then we'd wind up thinking we could never be like them and that we're somehow inferior to them. But, seeing their sin allows us to see that there is hope for us to do great things for God in spite of our sins and weaknesses.

Sam said...

Aww...I liked the old one better. ;o)