Friday, January 12, 2007

it's a boy

Am I the only person in America that finds it odd that everyone keeps talking about the Iraqi people like they're eight-year-olds? In just about every speech or commentary I've heard lately, from both sides of the aisle, politicians and pundits have been discussing the citizens or Iraq like we're trying to teach a bunch of children how to run a country. Apparently, if we keep supporting the Iraqis too much, then they're going to become relient on our help and never learn to do things for themselves. Maybe it's time to let little Jimmy leave the nest and fly solo. I know it's scary thinking of him out there on his own at that sleep-over birthday party with the other countries at Syria's house, but you can't be there forever to wipe his nose and make sure he's eating his brussel sprouts. Honestly, that's been the tone lately. It's so incredibly condescending. We realize that that the people running Iraq are all over eighteen, right? And not only are they adults, but they're millions of multi-faceted adults with different viewpoints and ideas. I'm pretty sure that, as we speak, some of them are thinking and behaving exactly as we'd like them to while others are completely in another sphere. And do we honestly think it's going to help to talk about all of this so much in such a superior tone? You realize that they know what we're saying, right? They have TV's. It's not like they can't hear us. The least Bush and Obama and Hannity and Colmes could do is spell the words instead of saying them. It works on other children.

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